CEIC collaborates on the development of Good Neighbor Agreement (GNA)

The Central Eastside Industrial Council collaborates on the development of a Good Neighbor Agreement with Brooklyn Action Corps (BAC) and Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood District (HAND), who have formed the Clinton Triangle Oversight Committee (CTOC), in partnership with the City of Portland (the City) and Urban Alchemy (UA) [as housing and services provider], with the input of
various stakeholders.

Read the GNA

The purpose of this agreement is to identify ways for community stakeholders to work together
to address potential impacts of CTTAS as well as be good neighbors in support of guests of the
shelter and to formalize the goodwill and positive working relationships between stakeholders
for the benefit of all neighbors. Discussion of this agreement will be a tool to clarify the best
ways to address neighborhood concerns.

This GNA will be reviewed at the Land Use & Urban Development Committee meeting on July 11, 2023, and taken to the CEIC and CET Executive Committees for review and approval. To provide feedback on this document or future site, please email ceic@ceic.cc.


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