Liz Dexter art + architecture
After three decades of architectural practice, Liz gravitated to mixed-media abstract art to surprise herself in the studio. Understanding materials and methods has been central to her architectural practice, and delving into a broad array of media truly lights her up. She is especially drawn to materials and processes she can’t fully control, those that will lead her to a place of discovery. Her paintings are built using many layers of acrylic, plaster, and collage, sanding, scraping, and cutting into them to see what is revealed. She imbues her paintings with texture and memory, often incorporating mementos of beloved people and places, only hints of which are visible in the final work. Liz is obsessed with fiber art, deep diving into weaving and hand stitching and experimenting with how these threads integrate and play with her papers, paint, and plaster. She is inspired by the continually transforming natural and built world around us. She contemplates how to capture the majesty of an open sky at dusk or the weight and texture of a crumbling stone wall in a mashup of mediums that meld into something other-worldly. She is also captivated by organic, lyrical linework and wonky shapes and patterns, which are a breath of fresh air after decades of working within the precise and rigid confines of AutoCAD. Untethered from codes and budgets, the freedom of mixed-media artmaking helps Liz explore what’s most important to her: capturing awe and wonder on a daily basis and finding beauty and joy in the imperfect, unfolding layers of our lives.
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