Transitioning to the Placemaking & Activation Committee

Dear Central Eastside Community,

The Merchants & Makers Committee has long served as a cornerstone of our district’s vibrant and diverse community, supporting the needs of front-facing businesses, restaurants, retailers, artists, makers, and markets in the Central Eastside. Over the years, we have been proud of this committee's work to foster connections and growth within our community.

As the Central Eastside Industrial Council (CEIC) has clarified our purpose and strategic priorities, it has become clear that the Merchants & Makers Committee has evolved. Therefore, the February 27th meeting will be the last gathering of the Merchants & Makers Committee under the CEIC and will evolve as a committee of Central Eastside Together (CET), our Enhanced Services District for the Central Eastside. Over the past year, CET has focused on freeing up funds for district enhancement, allowing us to support initiatives such as public events, murals, district promotion (including new light pole banners and a summer event guide), and the Better Together Grant.

In light of this realignment, we are standing up a Placemaking & Activation Committee—a board committee led by CET staff and chaired by Bridgid Blackburn, co-owner of Cargo. This committee will be charged with creating a signature event and one-to-two publications that will elevate the Central Eastside business community. The primary aim of the committee will be to enhance the visitor experience, activate public spaces, promote the district as a destination, and ultimately drive foot traffic to support our local economy. Although it will not be a public committee, we do anticipate community engagement opportunities as the committee takes shape.

We are excited for this new chapter and look forward to continued growth and collaboration within the Central Eastside. We are grateful for the contributions of everyone who has been part of the Merchants & Makers Committee, especially to Bridgid Blackburn and Puji Sherer, its founders. We hope the new Placemaking & Activation Committee will continue to build on their legacy in fresh and exciting ways.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Brianna Woods,

Director Enhanced Services District

Carolyne Holcomb,

Executive Director


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